A Good News Break

I’m taking a break from my social media break to bring you this breaking news story:
This morning I was up and out just before the sun made its appearance.
As I was driving out of the neighborhood I could see two figures in the dark, walking along the street.
As I got closer, the two young, gangly pre-teen boys flagged me down to a stop.
I pulled over to the side, rolled down my window and asked them if everything was okay.
“HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOON?!!!”, they exclaimed, pointing behind me.
I turned to see the massive, orange ball going to sleep behind the trees at the crest of the hill behind me.
It was, truly, stunning.
“That is amazing!”, I agreed.
The two were jumping up and down, pointing, with eyes wide as saucers. “Have a great day!” they told me.
“You too!”, I told them with a smile I couldn’t suppress or fake, and rolled up my window and drove away.
Regardless of what else you see or hear today, the news is:
  • Kids are still kids.
  • Creation is amazing.
  • The world is good.

Happy Friday.

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